Regular worship:
St Mary’s Ticehurst
1st Sunday of the month
8am Communion (1662 BCP; said)
11am Morning Worship (contemporary; all-age)
2nd Sunday
8am Communion (1662 BCP; said)
11am Communion (Common Worship; Sung Eucharist)
3rd Sunday
8am Communion (1662 BCP; said)
11am Morning Prayer (1662 BCP; Sung Matins)
4th Sunday
11am Communion (Common Worship; Contemporary)
6pm Evensong (1662 BCP; Sung)
5th Sunday
8am Communion (1662 BCP; said)
11am Communion (Common Worship; Sung Eucharist)
2nd Wednesday
9.30am Communion (CW Trad. Lang.; said) in St Mary’s Room. Please note that this service has been suspended until further notice whilst we are in vacancy.
St Augustine’s Flimwell
1st Sunday of the month
(No service at St Augustine’s)
2nd Sunday
9.30am Morning Worship or Morning Prayer (Contemporary language)
3rd Sunday
(No service at St Augustine’s)
4th Sunday
9.30am Communion (Common Worship; Order One in contemporary language)
5th Sunday
(No service at St Augustine’s)
Special services for regular festivals will be publicised in advance on our Facebook page.
If you would like to join our mailing list for a weekly summary of news and advance notice of services for the following week please email the churchwarden.

St Mary’s Church is equipped with a modern audio-visual system which includes projector, screen, microphones, hearing loop for the hard of hearing. Services can be recorded or streamed live online by arrangement. Please contact the Church Warden for more information