ECO Church

Eco church is how we express our care for God’s world in our worship and teaching, how we care for our church building and its land, how we engage with our local community and in global campaigns and in our personal lifestyles.
Over the last few years, we have worked towards attaining the Eco Church Awards and received our bronze, silver, and gold awards in 2019, 2020 and 2022 respectively. To date we are still the only church in the Diocese of Chichester to have achieved the gold award.
We are trying to sympathetically enhance our churchyard environment for plants and wildlife and have drawn up a management plan to enable us to increase the diversity of plants and wildlife over the coming years.
As part of our efforts, we also run an annual Great Big Green Week when we join with communities across the UK, aiming to celebrate the steps we’re taking to help nature and act on climate change.
We are a small group of volunteers who would welcome new members with open arms!
For more details contact Angela Howitt on 07733 336067.