Choir & Music
St Mary’s has a choir to lead music at regular morning and evening services. The choir is also available to support wedding, funeral and memorial services by arrangement and have a repertoire of appropriate anthems for each occasion. We are enthusiastic amateurs and welcome new members of all ages. We rehearse on a Friday evening from 6.30pm in the church.
For further information please contact the Organist or come along on a Friday evening.
A regular organist is available, supported by a number of able replacements meaning that all Sunday services except the 8am Holy Communion include music. We also enjoy the services of a talented pianist who supports family worship.
If you play an instrument and would like to participate in monthly informal family worship please contact the Organist in the first instance.
A children’s music group provides participative opportunities for younger members of the community at family services. If you have a child or grandchild who would enjoy being involved in this informal group please contact us.
St Augustine’s also have a number of organists who support worship regularly. If you are interested in joining this rota please contact the churchwarden to discuss your availability.