St Mary’s and St Augustine’s Churches are pleased to be able to provide marriage services to people who live in the parishes, people who are regular worshippers at the church, or those who have a connection with the village.
We believe that marriage is a gift from God. In the marriage ceremony, a couple make a public declaration of lifelong commitment to love each other. The marriage ceremony gives you a new legal status as husband and wife – the contract part – but it is also a covenantal commitment in front of God. If you would like to make an enquiry about getting married at St Mary’s please contact the church warden. For a wedding at St Augustines please contact the church warden.
There is more information on the Church of England website including information on cost, and on eligibility to be married in a particular parish and re-married in church following divorce. The rules on who can and cannot be married in church are updated periodically.
There is also information on related services such as services to renew vows. A helpful Ceremony Planner will guide you with choice of hymns, readings and other service detail. Some suggestions that are popular with couples in St Mary’s and Flimwell. are as follows:
- All Things Bright And Beautiful
- Amazing Grace
- Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord
- For The Beauty Of The Earth
- Give Me Joy In My Heart
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- Jerusalem
- Lead us Heavenly Father
- Lord Of All Hopefulness
- Lord Of The Dance
- Love Divine All Loves Excelling
- Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
- Morning Has Broken
- One More Step Along The World I Go
- O Praise Ye The Lord!
- O Worship the King
- Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
- Tell out my Soul
- The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
- The Lord’s My Shepherd
- We Pledge To One Another

The bible reading at a wedding is a very important part of the service so choosing one or two of these suggested readings needs careful thought. All weddings involve consideration of all aspects of the service and if you would like to talk this through please contact the churchwarden.
Old Testament Readings
- God creates women and men to look after the Earth – Genesis Chapter 1: verses 26-28
- A love poem between two lovers. (Part I) – Song of Solomon Chapter 2: verses 10-13
- A love poem between two lovers. (Part II) – Song of Solomon Chapter 8: verses 6-7
New Testament Readings
- Jesus teaches how to live a life that brings true happiness – Matthew, Chapter 5, verses 1-10
- Jesus teaches about marriage – Mark, Chapter 10, verses 6-9
- Jesus welcomes children – Mark, Chapter 10, verses 13-16
- What happens when Jesus attends a wedding reception – John, Chapter 2, verses 1-11
- Love, actually! The number one most popular reading used at weddings – 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13
- Committing to each other – Ephesians, Chapter 5, verses 21-33
- Seeing the good side – Philippians, Chapter 4, verses 4-9
- Getting the perfect relationship – Colossians, Chapter 3, verses 12-17 • Being a good lover! – 1 John, Chapter 4, verses 7-12
- Transformed by love – Romans 12: 1,2, 9-13 (link shows all from 1-13)
- A prayer of encouragement – Ephesians 3: 14-end
- Remaining in love so you bear fruit – John 15: 9-17
- The true vine and the branches – John 15: 1-8
- My help comes from the Lord – 121 Psalm
What are Banns?
The legal preliminary to marriage in church is for banns to be published. Banns are the public announcement that two people wish to marry, and an invitation to anybody who knows just cause or impediment to the union to declare it.
On three Sundays prior to the wedding, the banns are read out in the parish church(es) of the future bride and groom, and are effective for three months afterwards. Banns must be called in both the church where the wedding is to be held, as well as the parish church(es) of the bride and groom (from which certificate(s) of banns must be obtained).